Linking issuer, instrument, pricing and corporate actions information from multiple sourcing
Data quality statistics as well as data consumption and distribution tracking
Easy data access via web UI and our APIs and fast last-mile integration into business workflows

Mobilize your Data Assets

Understand your data

Our data management solutions make the most of content assets by easily providing data access to business users and quickly onboarding new sources and consuming applications. Usage tracking, quality stats, and complete lineage provide insight to know your data.

Comprehensive coverage

Translating data into usable formats

Financial products can often contain thousands of terms –our established data domain model handles this by covering a wide range of asset classes, corporate actions, pricing, and issuer information. We also provide a business domain layer that simplifies discovering and accessing reference data for business users. Alveo efficiently processes reference data for a range of use cases including; investment operations, pre-trade research, risk, compliance, valuation, index management and external reporting.

Our unique structured approach to securing high-quality market data and validated price information has proven to be highly effective for many of the world’s most notable financial services firms.

Ready to get started?

Discover how we can address your investment operation challenges.

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